This is an evening for the faith family of NPBC to gather together in fellowship, prayer, worship, and vision casting.

Our time together will start with a meal. We would love for you to bring your favorite dish to share. The church will be providing a main dish but feel feel free to bring whatever finger foods, sides, casseroles, mains, salads, or dessert that you like. We will have games setup outside for everyone. This is planned as a time for our entire Faith Family to enjoy spending time in fellowship with one another and sharing a meal. There will also be time during this fellowship to ask the staff questions about the vision of NPBC.

From there, we will move into the Sanctuary for a time of worship through singing, prayer, and teaching on the mission, vision and strategy of NPBC, which is embodied in three statements:




We will examine our vision as a church and seek God’s wisdom on how each of us share a part in carrying out the mission He has given individually and as a faith family here at NPBC.

Sunday evening 4:30pm until 7:30pm